Friday, July 27, 2012

Modifikasi hp symbian s60

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.


Selamat pag semuanya, ini adalah postingan terakhir mengenai "Modding HP Symbian S60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry ". Sebenarnya ini hanya merubah tampilan pada HP s60v2 supaya menjadi lebih mirip dengan tampilan pada HP Blacberry. Tips ini sangat cocok untuk orang-orang yang  belum bisa beli blackberry seperti saya hehehe.

Ok berkut tampilannya :

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.
Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

Bagaimana apakah anda tertarik juga untuk mencobanya? Untuk merubah tampilan HP Symbian s60v2 menjadi blackberry, ada beberapa applikasi yang diperlukan diantaranya :

1. Blackberry Messangger  

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

2. Theme Blackberry + Ringtone

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

3. BB autotext + Screen Muncher + Multiclipboard

Modifikasi HP s60v2 Menjadi HP Blackberry | Nokia N70, N72 Dll.

Nah sekarang HP Symbian s60v2 sobat sudah mirip dengan HP Blackberry, yah walaupun hanya sekedar modif kecil2an ya lumayan lah hehehe.

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modifikasi ROM android

Modifikasi ROM Tablet Android Rockchip RK2818

Minggu lalu, adik transaksi dengan seorang penjual online di kaskus yg berada di Bandung. Berhubung barang bekas, maka perlu diperiksa kondisi dan kelangkapannya. Atur-atur jadwal, disepakati Sabtu 25 Februari 2012, sore hari. Berhubung perlu cari sepatu untuk JNP, maka minta COD di Griya Pahlawan.
Barang yang dibeli adalah Tablet Wearnes LP-117 bekas pakai seharga Rp 625.000,00. Saat COD, terlihat casing tablet agak kotor, biasanya penjual yang baik akan membersihkan barang yang dijual lebih dulu. Fungsi semuanya masih jalan, saat coba layar sentuh yang berjenis resistif, agak kesusahan akses. Biasa memakai layar jenis capasitif yang hanya perlu disentuh halus. Layar resistif perlu agak keras dan kadang perlu memakai kuku untuk akses.
Setelah sampai rumah, mulai cari info lebih lanjut tentang Tablet Wearnes LP-117. Tablet ini memakai chip Rockchip RK2818. Cari-cari di situs Indonesia, hanya ada satu info yang cukup terkait. Penelusuran lebih lanjut ke situs XDA developer mendapatkan cukup banyak informasi. Di situs XDA tidak menemukan satupun yg memodifikasi ROM Tablet Wearnes LP-117, sehingga perlu modifikasi ROM dari tablet merk lain. ROM untuk tablet lain yang memakai chip RK2818 diambil boot.img dan system.img, bagian lainnya diambil dari ROM bawaan Wearnes LP-117.
Secara umum proses yang dilakukan adalah:
  1. Pasang driver dan aplikasi untuk akses RK2818
  2. Lakukan dump untuk mengambil ROM Wearnes LP-117
  3. Extrack ROM Wearnes LP-117.
  4. Modifikasi berkas image. Saat ekstrak ROM ada dua bagian penting, satu bagian adalah image, bagian kedua adalah berkas konfigurasi. Berkas konfigurasi antara lain menentukan/mencatat suatu image nantinya di flash mulai posisi mana. Berkas image yang sering dimodifikasi adalah system.img. Modifikasi dapat memakai system.img dari ROM LP-117, dapat juga modifikasi system.img yang diambil dari ROM tablet lain.
  5. Gabung system.img hasil modifikasi dengan berkas konfigurasi, sehingga menjadi ROM baru hasil modifikasi.
  6. Flash tablet dengan ROM baru.
  7. Selesai.
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    Sunday, July 22, 2012

    Navy's new gender-neutral carriers won't have urinals

    Navy's new gender-neutral carriers won't have urinals

    [Updated at 6:17 p.m. ET] The U.S. Navy's new class of carriers will be the first to go without urinals, a decision made in part to give the service flexibility in accommodating female sailors, the Navy says.
    The change heralded by the Gerald R. Ford class of carriers  starting with the namesake carrier due in late 2015  is one of a number of new features meant to improve sailors' quality of life and reduce maintenance costs, Capt. Chris Meyer said Wednesday.
    Omitting urinals lets the Navy easily switch the designation of any restroom  or head, in naval parlance  from male to female, or vice versa, helping the ship adapt to changing crew compositions over time, Meyer said.
    The Navy could designate a urinal-fitted area to women, of course, but the urinals would be a waste of space. Making the areas more gender-neutral is a relatively new consideration for the service, with most of its current carriers commissioned before it began deploying women on combat ships in 1994.
    But it wasn't the only reason for the move.
    Urinal drain pipes clog more than toilets and therefore can be smellier and costlier to maintain, Meyer said.
    "There's a lot more at play in the design objectives than (making the toilet areas) gender-neutral. We're saving money in maintenance costs, and we’re improving quality of life," said Meyer, manager of the Future Aircraft Carriers Program for the Naval Sea Systems Command.
    Other quality-of-life updates, according to Meyer:
     Sleeping areas, or berthings, generally will be smaller, designed for fewer people per room. On current carriers, some berthings have more than 100 sailors each. On the Ford carriers, the number will be closer to 30 to 50 each.
     Heads will be attached to berthing compartments. Currently, many sailors have to traverse a passageway between a berthing and a head, meaning sailors who’ve just woken up have to dress up more for a trip to the head than they would if it were adjacent.
    The new Ford-class features were first reported by the Navy Times.
    Some sailors said that they're happy to lose the urinals because they're hard to clean and maintain, the Navy Times reported this week.
    The Ford class is the future replacement for the Nimitz class. The Ford carriers are designed to allow more aircraft sorties, but with about 660 fewer crew members, according to the Navy.
    The first three Ford carriers are scheduled to debut between 2015 and 2027, at a total projected cost of $37 billion. That cost includes non-recurring engineering expenses and research and development costs for the first carrier, the Navy says.
    Post by: 
    Filed under: Military • U.S. Navy

    an asian students

    An Asian Student, Legally Resident, WritesTo Pat Buchanan note: This letter is a shortened version of one that was sent to us by a mutual friend, who says that Pat Buchanan replied graciously. The writer was willing to let his name be used, but we declined. We thought he was revealing a touching, but in this case inappropriate, faith in America. The U.S. education and immigration bureaucracies are in the hands of people with their own ideas of what America should be. They might well decide that anyone who agrees with Pat Buchanan about immigration issues should be asked to leave the country—for being un-American.
    Dear Mr. Buchanan,
    My name is ——. I am from [Asian country] and have been legally in the United States for almost six years on a student visa. I currently work as a nurse at — Hospital in —, [State], with a legal work permit or OPT card that will be good for one year under my student visa.
    A friend told me about your book Suicide of a Superpower, where you talk about illegal immigration.
    I completely agree with you. Since I have suffered theinconsistencies of the official immigration system in the USA, I decided to write you this letter.
    I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology from — University and a Master's degree in Anatomy from —University, [Asian country]. I taught Anatomy at —University medical school in [Asian country] for two years before coming to the USA to continue my education. I planned to go to the nursing school at the University of [Southern State], but I did not have enough money. I entered the nursing program at — Community College instead.
    When I was in an English class at — Community College, we discussed the idea of allowing illegal aliens to go to school. Nobody in the class supported it, but I actually agreed at that time thatillegal aliens be given some education, so they could be productive, instead of living a life of crime.
    But as time passed by, I have experienced things that completely changed my mind. Most significantly, I saw the disparity between how I was treated as a legal student, and how others who are illegal are treated.
    Initially, my student visa did not allow me to work. Eventually, I could work, but only on campus, for twenty hours per week. And, because I was an international student, I had to pay out-of-state tuition fees, which are around five times more than in-state tuition.
    I asked my international students' advisor what I could do if I ran out of money. She answered simply: "You have to go back to your country."
    I was stunned a little by that. I thought back to that discussion in class about allowing illegal aliens to go to school. I just could not believe that illegal aliens go to public schools for free but I, as a legal resident who plays by the rules all the way, had to pay extra fees—and be kicked out of school if I do not have money to pay.
    I started to think that there was something wrong with the system.
    I wondered why there were so many Hispanics working and walking around, seemingly not worried about their status. I went to anAsian grocery store and saw a Hispanic working there. He was fromEl Salvador, and illegal. I asked him if he was afraid of being checked by police. He told me: "They don't bother us."
    A couple of months later, I saw that what he told me was the truth. He was arrested for driving without a driver's license. He was in jail for a couple nights. He hired a Mexican civil liberties lawyer, paid the fine and went back to work in the grocery store as if nothing had happened.
    I am sure that police knew he was illegal, since he did not have any ID or proof of legal residency at all.
    How did he get out of jail and go back to work like nothing happened? Without being deported to El Salvador?
    After that, he planned to get a driver's license. I asked how, since he did not have any ID? His answer stunned me. He said he could call a lady who worked at the [State] DMV to make an appointment. And then he would go to the DMV right before it closed, through the front door like others, pay $2,000, and she would put any information in the computer system for him.
    Towards the end of my nursing training, my finances became very difficult. I had to move to a very cheap mobile home neighborhood where there were other low-income renters. Some were illegal Mexicans who occasionally worked. They would often be drunk, playloud music during the night, perform inappropriate sexual behavioroutside of the mobile homes, and use drugs. I was raised in a conservative, middle-income [Asian country] family and I had never experienced people like this before. I stayed there, a bitter experience, for almost ten months. When I left, I had less than $100 left in my bank account.
    After I graduated, I could apply for a work permit card or OPT card that allowed me to work under my student visa for one year. I spent my first three months looking for a job. It was extremely depressing living without money, but I kept looking because I knew that I had good credentials. Fortunately, I eventually was employed by — Hospital.
    It is good to have some income, but it is also painful knowing that the government takes out almost a thousand dollars each month from my pay check and gives free health care, food stamps, free educational benefits, etc. to illegal aliens like those in the cheap mobile home park.
    Why politicians need to “debate” illegal immigration? Entering the USA without permission is illegal, it is against your laws. There is nothing else that needs to be discussed any further.
    The US can control its airports to limit what is carried on planes. The US can screen people at embassies and determine who can get a visa. The US can put troops into AfghanistanIraq etc. to “fight terrorism.” How come the USA cannot control illegal aliens who crossing a border that is only 1,969 miles long?
    The US seems to be afraid of terrorists after 9/11. But doesn't the government realize that terrorists can just easily fly to Mexico, and then cross the border along with the illegal aliens already coming into the US?
    My work permit will expire in May 2012. I went to the Homeland Security office in [Southern State] to find how to extend it. I have to file a form, I-129, that my employer will have to sign.
    I asked: what if — Hospital will not sign the form? The answer was short and simple: "You will have to go back to your country."
    I pretty much knew the answer, but it hurt. I love this country. I want to contribute legally to making it a better. I have fought all the way, paid all the legal fees, and played by the rules for almost six years—just to learn that I may not be welcome, even though I have a professional job.
    But, on the other hand, illegal aliens are welcome to stay and walk around in public openly, with no questions asked.
    My American friend went to Homeland Security with me. He said sarcastically to the head agent: "Maybe [—] can be an illegal immigrant, so he can get all the free benefits without paying anything."
    The agent just plugged his ears, closed his eyes, and said: “I hear this every day."
    Everybody knows what is going on with the illegal immigration, but nobody will do anything about it. Many people completely disagree with the government’s policy of turning a blind eye, but no politician seems to have the will to fight the powerful interests behind it.
    I believe that one reason for your social and economic problems is that illegal aliens have taken jobs, earning money and sending it out to Mexico without paying taxes. And the government still provides them free health care and other benefits at taxpayer expense. I see that each night at —Hospital.
    There is nothing that the USA is gaining from illegal aliens. The USA is losing, and losing badly. A country with a bad economy, high debt, high unemployment, and a failed experiment with multiculturalism, cannot be a superpower.
    I do not gain any benefit from writing this letter. And, of course, it is not my business how your citizens should act.
    But I do love this country and its hardworking citizens, whom I have come to know through my education and work. I just wanted to share my experiences as a legal resident and a professional who has played by the very difficult rules, while witnessing the illogical and self-destructive policies of your government towards illegal immigration.
    Mr. Buchanan, sometimes I attend hockey games. I feel a special emotion when I sing the words of your national anthem, and think of your country and your history, and what your country means.
    America has a great legacy. But it must act soon—or it will not survive.
    I pray that your words will have effect.
    [name redacted]
    Postscript for readers: Since writing this letter, my OPT work permit expired. —hospital has a policy of not sponsoring employees for the I-129 form, so I have returned to college to earn additional credits in a specialized field. But not being able to work legally, and not having any income, I depend totally on what I was able to save while employed. I am very uncertain if I can complete the coursework before I run out of funds—scholarships, fellowships, and loans for overseas students like me are rare.
    If this happens, then I will have to return to [Asian country].
    I want to offer my talents to the US. But I want to do it lawfully and correctly. I love this country's traditions of liberty and hard work. But your system works against those who play by the rules.